Approaching a distressed seller can be touchy. Do these three things.

“How do I approach a distressed seller?” An agent recently asked me this, and I wanted to give you my thoughts on it. As real estate agents, we have to be tenacious about sourcing leads. One strategy that can help us with this is targeting distressed properties. Here’s how to go about doing this:

1. Use a script. Whether you called the seller or they called you, having a general script always works to your advantage. You should have already practiced your script and be able to repeat it without sounding like an emotionless robot. Remember that these are people who have fallen on hard times, so try to sound genuine. 

2. Establish a connection. Don’t jump into offering to sell the client’s home if you haven’t established a connection. This will make you look desperate. Communicate with your potential seller, ask them questions about their house, and understand their goals and situation. Doing this shows that you are interested in helping them work through the difficulties of selling their home. 

“We have to be tenacious about sourcing leads.”

3. Have an open ear. Your distressed seller probably has a lot of weight on their shoulders. Chances are that they will have a lot to unload on yours. This is a good thing because the more they share, the more likely they are to trust you. 

Ask questions at the right time, follow your general script, and ensure you are listening and paying attention. With that in mind, you’ll be prepared to deal with a distressed seller. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to read out by phone or email. I’d love to help you out.