Here’s a book that can get you on track to reach your 2022 goals.

What makes an agent successful? Two things they all have in common are goals and strategies to reach those goals. I like to use the acronym GPS to help me reach my destination. Not to be confused with a global positioning satellite, this GPS stands for “Goals, Plans, and Strategy.” 

One thing that’s been instrumental in helping me set and accomplish my goals is“The 12 Week Year” by Brian P. Moran. It’s a small book (less than 200 pages), but it contains huge ideas and great strategies for goal setting.

“I'd love to discuss your goals and strategies.”

Inside that book are all of the common practices that allow you to accomplish your goals in incremental steps. You’re eating the elephant one bite at a time, so to speak. The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step, after all.

When agents are unsuccessful in this business it’s typically due to a lack of a GPS (goals, plans, or strategy). If your real estate career isn’t where you like, I recommend you check out this book then give me a call. I would love to offer you some guidance. I’m happy to offer my expertise, and we can talk about how we can help you succeed professionally and personally in 2022 and beyond.

Good luck with your goals this year. If you have any questions for me about the real estate business, don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.