Sharing three methods to stand out at your next listing appointment.

Let’s be honest: Most listing presentations from most Realtors are pretty similar. They hit similar beats, mention similar stats, and follow similar structures. The good news is that this presents a great opportunity for you to stand out from your competition - the bad news is that you could be left behind in this market if you don’t differentiate yourself. That’s why today, I’m sharing three tips you can use to stand out from the pack and build trust with sellers immediately during your presentation:

1. Focus on your seller’s emotions. Your goal during listing appointments should be to meet the seller’s anxieties and fears and explain how you can alleviate them. Find out what sellers’ most significant concerns in your market are. Are they worried about their homes staying on the market too long? Maybe a common fear in your area is that home prices may come down soon. Whatever your seller’s emotions are, put yourself in their shoes and provide relief by offering tangible solutions to these common problems. It might also be a good idea to mention how you solved similar issues in the past.

“Your clients want to be led, not waited upon.”

2. Provide what your competition won’t. To truly have a listing presentation that stands out from the crowd, you have to understand what your competitors are doing. Find out what sellers are hearing from other agents, put your money where your mouth is, and go above and beyond to provide what they can’t. This is where having the right training and a sound support system will really help you elevate. For example, you could guarantee that you will sell their home in a certain period or for a certain price. While you can only credibly do this if you have the talent to back your promises up, relieving your seller’s fears and building trust from the beginning is worth it.

3. Know how to use data. Most agents know that numbers are good to discuss during a listing presentation. However, data can be both your enemy and your friend. To use data effectively, make sure you understand what it’s communicating to your clients. If your stats aren’t clear and credible, leave them out; they only run the risk of muddying up your message and confusing your seller.

When it comes to being the best agent you can be, don’t reinvent the wheel. By leaning on proven strategies that have worked for others, you can build your business in this market. If you’re interested in learning more strategies I’ve used in the past, just call or email me. I’d love to talk to you about your career.